Aquafinca Saint Peter Fish, Lake Yojoa , extracts, produces and exports tilapia from Lake Yojoa through a state concession. It cultivates them according to international environmental standards and regulations, creates 1,600 direct and 7,000 indirect jobs and generates flour, oil and biodiesel derived from tilapia. Asomarte to the operation of a company that in 2013 exports 18 million pounds of fish is another option that you have around the Lake of Yojoa.
Tabaco Tour, Copán , is one of the best tobacco producers in the world. This exclusive and interesting tour consists of a tour of the Flor de Copán cigar factory, where you will see the processing of the tobacco, from the arrival in leaf and the beginning of the fermentation, the despalillo, curing, aging and elaboration of the pure by hand until Arrive at its delicate packaging and the shipment of cigars made by copanecos artisans and distributed all over the world.
Casa Real, Comayagua , is the building of the Royal Treasury and Foundry of Comayagua in the early eighteenth century. After two earthquakes and two centuries, it is restored with the support of Spanish cooperation, declared a national monument and today it receives you as a municipal convention center, in the neighborhood El Centro.
Coffee Tour, Copán , the West of the country is one of the main producing regions of coffee, quality coffee, of prizes of excellence worldwide. This tour allows you to know the process of washing, drying, sorting and packing, and of course, to taste a rich cup of coffee in any of the gourmet coffee shops in Santa Rosa and its surroundings, served by professional baristas.
Museum for the National Identity, Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán , the one that has become one of the most active museums in the country awaits you from Tuesday to Sunday with temporary exhibitions of famous national and foreign artists, a permanent exhibition on the formation and history of Honduras and a virtual tour of the Copán Acropolis . Its auditorium, inner courtyard and front square are also the scene of creative performances, concerts and interventions. You can visit the Museum for the National Identity (MIN), in the Old Palace of the Ministries of the Barrio Abajo of Tegucigalpa, from Tuesday to Sunday.
Honduran People Musseum, Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán , you can visit his collection of paintings by Honduran artists, the religious or his Reina Sofía Library, specialized in art. In it works the Restoration Workshop Miguel Ángel Gómez that has recovered more than 400 works. It is the stage or the promoter of a great amount of concerts, literary and cinematographic activities. It is on Avenida Cervantes, in the former seat of the Supreme Court of Justice and may be the first station of your tour on foot by "El Centro".
Comayagua Musseum, Comayagua , in the building of the first Presidential House of Honduras you travel through the valley of Comayagua from the prehistory with the fossils of a megaterio (a giant lazy bear), snails and tips of spear of obsidian; You continue through the archaic period with rock paintings in rock stelae and you arrive at the polished ceramic utensils of the formative period (plates, bowls and pitchers). An archaeological tour that passes through the village Lenca El Chical, inhabited since 2000 AD. The fortress of Tenampúa of the classic period (900) and sites like Las Vegas, Lo de Baca, La Ciénega and the Old Salitrón Church. The museum also shows pieces related to the colonial, republican and contemporary periods, such as the machinery of the first printing press in Central America, brought by Francisco Morazán in 1828, in which the first book of Honduras was printed: Rudiments of Artemetry.
Southern Gastronomy , many of the most popular dishes in southern Honduras come from their local produce. The fruits (melon, watermelon, pineapple and mango) are consumed in their natural form, or others like the 'jocotes' (plums) seasoned with salt, also from the area. Livestock supplies dairy products, such as dry and semi-dry cheese, different kinds of cheese and curd, as well as beef and pork on the grill in skewers. The artisanal fishing brings to the famous sea soup: crab, shrimp and fish, and to the ceviches and cocktails: fish, shrimp, curiles and helmets. Another traditional soup is homemade chicken. A very popular dish of the area are the pupusas, made with corn dough and quesillo or pork crackling. But the most missed product are the donuts, corn dough, cheese, curd and cream butter, and the tustacas that also carry dulce de panela. Very simple flavors to which Hondurans always expect from anywhere in the world.
Coffee Tour by Finca Santa Isabel, Copán , 30 minutes from Copán Ruinas, Finca Santa Isabel, home of some of the best cafes in the country, "Café Welchez", opens its doors to show you how to grow under the shade, in a sustainable and organic environment the roasted, And blended following traditions developed and perfected for decades. The tour takes you from one of the corners of the central park of Copán and after a guided tour - in English or Spanish - breakfast, lunch or refreshment, according to the time of day, and returns you to Copan with the aroma of still fresh, The green feel of the farm on the skin and the taste of an award-winning coffee by the experts and by totally independent palates like yours
Sixtina Gallery, Valle de Ángeles, Francisco Morazán , personally attended by the Honduran artist Julio Vizquerra, has a unique artistic atmosphere in Valle de Ángeles. It is located on the Main Street in front of the school, is open from Friday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm and also serves as a stage for exhibitions and concerts by renowned artists and emerging values.
Gastronomical Tour, Copán , traditional Honduran cuisine is heavily dominated by corn, which is the food base of Mesoamerica since its prehispanic peoples inhabited it. And Santa Rosa is famous nationwide for a cuisine that preserves many elements and traditions. The best places in the memory of flavors of those that have ever visited Santa Rosa de Copán are baked “chanchita” (piglet), the atol chuco (or dirty atol, fermented maize atol) and the totopostes (homemade corn cookies, stuffed and toasted). Along the way you’ll try these and other typical snacks, drinks, traditional sweets and culinary innovations based on ancestral ingredients like loroco, chipilín and an assortment of herbs, vegetables, fruits and seeds.
Tour por el Centro Histórico de Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán , full of colonial history, and adorned with neoclassical architecture, you travel "El Centro" in any direction from La Plaza Morazán or Parque Central. Its main attraction is the cathedral of San Miguel Arcángel of century XVIII, with baroque interior beautifully worked. Also worthy of mention are the Old University Auditorium, now National Art Gallery; The Church of San Francisco, the oldest in Tegucigalpa; The Hemicycle of the Legislative Palace, built on piles and the old Presidential House to the side of the Choluteca river. You can travel with different themes and interests: religious, civil, cultural and "street" by steep slopes, passages and alleys.